WFH International Congress - Vancouver, Canada- 21st May 2006
II° Steering Committee meeting -Rare Bleeding Disorders (RBDs) SSC ISTH working group
Room number : Room 15 on Sunday, May 21 from 1-4:00 pm
State of the art of the RBDs project: Flora Peyvandi, Italy
I: National and International Registries (100 min)
National databases listed in WFH: Paula Bolton-Maggs, UK (15 minutes) |
Swiss Registry: Philippe De Moerloose, Switzerland (10 minutes) |
The progress of work to develop a single North American Registry: Amy Shapiro, USA (10 minutes) |
UK National database and patient consent issue: Paula Bolton-Maggs, UK (10 minutes) |
French Data Jean DONADIEU (10 min.) |
Egyptian National Registry and condition of other EMBRO countries: Magdy El Ekiaby, Egypt (10 minutes) |
Iranian registry: Manijheh Lak and Mehran Karimi, Iran (10 minutes) |
Indian Registry: Alok Srivastava, India (10 minutes) |
Discussion: How to link these registries? (15 minutes)
II: Housing and funding (35 min)
Housing of RBDD: How ISTH side could support this registry? Uri Selighson, Israel (10 minutes) |
Funding raising: identification of potential granting sources - objectives for the project: Amy Shapiro, USA (15 minutes) |
Access and applicants security using RBDD, Marzia Menegatti, Italy (10 min.) |
III: Development of subcommittees for each disease (20 min): Discussion
Afibrinogenemia |
FII, FVII and FX |
Other type of deficiencies? As Plasminogen deficiency |
Conclusion and future plan (10 min)
All discussed topics are reported in the minute