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To establish an International network of treatment centres in order to perform a prospective follow-up study on women affected by severe haemostatic disorders including von Willebrand disease, rare bleeding disorders, platelet disorders 

Primary goals 

To evaluate the prevalence of gynaecological problems:   

 ico menarche

 ico ovulation bleeding

 ico menorrhagia

 ico bleeding during pregnancy 

ico postpartum bleeding 

ico To evaluate the association between menstrual loss and clinical severity (other bleeding symptoms)

ico To evaluate the association between laboratory phenotype and clinical severity
ico To determine the best treatment options to reduce the complications of menorrhagia and others gynaecological problems and eventually to understand which proportion of affected women requires regular prophylactic treatment
ico To collect and analyse data on concomitant gynaecological abnormalities, complications of menorrhagia (anaemia), requirement of gynaecological intervention
ico To evaluate the occurrence of abortion, miscarriage and other pregnancy complications in each disorder



Partners   Principal investigator: Flora Peyvandi, University of Milan Italy

Data analysis: Marta Spreafico, Simona Maria Siboni, University of Milan,  Supervision: F.R. Rosendaal, Leiden University of Medicine

Collaborating partners:Andra H. James, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA Rezan Kadir, Royal Free Hospital Hampstead, London UK  Christine Lee, Oxford University, UK  Magdy El-Ekiaby, Shabrawishi Hospital, Cairo Egypt  Peter Kouides, Duke University of Medicine, Durham USA  Augusto B. Federici, University of Milan, Italy  Jenny Goudemand, Hopital cardiologique, Lille France  Annie Borel-Derlon, Hopital Cote de Nacre, Caen, France  Giancarlo Castaman, S.Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza Italy  Mans Edlund, Gyn Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm Sweden Manijeh Lak, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran Iran  Mehran Karimi, University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz Iran Susan Halimeh, Gerinnungszentrum Rhein-Ruhr Centre - Duisburg, Germany Danijela Mikovic, Blood Transfusion Institute, Belgrade, Serbia

